
High-quality international education emphasising excellence and academic rigour.

practically outstanding 

Quick Facts




Courses in English


International Students


Denmark offers high-quality education for international students, with a range of English-taught programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The country has a strong focus on innovation, research, and student-centred learning. Danish universities provide a supportive and inclusive environment, making it an attractive destination for international students.



Quality of Education

Denmark’s education system is renowned for its excellence, providing high-quality courses and degrees that are globally recognised and respected.


Denmark’s universities offer a diverse selection of English-taught courses, ensuring international students have access to a wide range of academic opportunities.


Danish universities prioritise student-centred learning, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and active engagement in the classroom to enhance the educational experience.

scholarships & grants

Denmark offers scholarships and grants for international students, including the Danish Government Scholarships and university-specific scholarships.

Vibrant Student Life

The multicultural and welcoming atmosphere allows students to embrace diverse cultures and engage in vibrant student life, fostering social connections.

part-time work

International students can work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during holidays and breaks, provided they have a valid residence permit.


Institution Partners

top Courses

  • Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Business and Management Studies
  • Renewable Energy and Environmental Studies
  • Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, etc.)
  • Medicine and Healthcare (including Nursing and Pharmacy)
  • Design and Architecture



With a concise and straightforward four-step process, you can embark on a transformative journey to study abroad, 

opening doors to a future that has the power to revolutionize your life.

Discuss, Explore & Identify

We work with you to identify the best fit for you.

Apply, Accept & Confirm

Applying to the shortlist and finalising options.

Time to apply VISA

We work with you; on a checklist to apply for VISA



Engage you throughout the process, ensuring your aspirations, passion, and unique story guide us towards achieving your desired outcomes.



Trust us because we have a proven track record of success, industry expertise, and a commitment to exceptional results. We prioritize client satisfaction, open communication, and tailored solutions. We embrace challenges, mitigate risks, and prioritize the success of our partners with deep local expertise in a global context.


Get fully equipped accommodations, decent amenities and commutable to the university at reasonable prices.


Part-time work is a brilliant way to practice English, learn more about UK culture and gain experience.


We also provide assistance with airport transfers and insurance to meet essential study abroad requirements.


Studying in Denmark is beneficial for international students due to several reasons; firstly, Denmark has a high-quality education system with internationally recognised degrees. Secondly, Denmark universities and institutions offer numerous English-taught courses, ensuring accessibility for non-Danish speakers. Additionally, Danish universities focus on student-centred learning, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Denmark is known for its innovative and research-oriented environment, providing opportunities for students to engage in cutting-edge projects. The country offers a safe and inclusive society, with a high standard of living and excellent healthcare facilities. Moreover, the multicultural atmosphere allows students to experience diverse cultures and develop global networks. Denmark provides part-time work opportunities for international students to gain practical experience and support their living expenses. The country’s emphasis on sustainability and green initiatives aligns with the values of many students. Lastly, Denmark offers a vibrant social scene with various cultural and recreational activities. Overall, studying in Denmark offers a well-rounded educational experience that combines academic excellence, cultural immersion, personal development, and future career prospects.

The general admission criteria for undergraduate and master’s courses in Danish universities may vary depending on the university or institution and course. However, there are some general requirements:

Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) Courses:

  • Secondary Education: Completion of a recognised secondary education or equivalent diploma.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English or Danish, depending on the language of instruction. Some courses may require specific English language proficiency test scores (e.g., IELTS or TOEFL).
  • Grade Point Average (GPA): Meeting the minimum GPA requirement specified by the university or course.
  • Entrance Examination: Some courses may require applicants to take an entrance examination or submit a motivational letter.

Master’s Courses:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Completion of a relevant bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification from a recognised university.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English or Danish, depending on the language of instruction. Proof of English language proficiency may be required.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA): Meeting the minimum GPA requirement specified by the university or course.
  • Relevant Background: Some master’s programs may have specific prerequisites or require applicants to have a certain academic background in a related field.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Submission of letters of recommendation from – lecturers or tutors is preferred.
  • Statement of Purpose: A written statement outlining the applicant’s motivation, academic goals, and suitability for the course.

It’s important to note that admission requirements can vary between universities and courses. Therefore, it is recommended to check the specific admission criteria and requirements of the chosen university and course.

From the perspective of international students, several skills and professions are in demand in Denmark. Some of the areas that offer promising opportunities include:

  • Information Technology (IT): Denmark has a thriving tech industry, and there is a high demand for skilled IT professionals, including software developers, data analysts, cyber security experts, and IT project managers.
  • Engineering: Denmark has a strong engineering sector, particularly in fields such as renewable energy, sustainability, and biomedical engineering. There is a demand for engineers with expertise in these areas.
  • Business and Management: Denmark has a robust business environment, and there is a need for professionals with business and management skills. This includes roles in finance, marketing, human resources, and project management.
  • Life Sciences: Denmark has a well-developed life sciences industry, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical devices. Professionals with expertise in life sciences, including researchers, scientists, and bio-technologists, are in demand.
  • Sustainable Development: Denmark is known for its commitment to sustainability and renewable energy. Therefore, there is a growing demand for professionals in the field of sustainable development, including environmental science, renewable energy engineering, and sustainable business practices.
  • Creative Industries: Denmark has a vibrant creative sector, including design, architecture, fashion, and film production. International students with artistic and creative skills can find opportunities in these industries.

It’s important to research the specific industries and job market trends in Denmark to identify the skills and professions that align with your interests and career goals. Additionally, keeping abreast of the labour market needs and acquiring relevant skills through internships, networking, and extracurricular activities can enhance your prospects in the Danish job market.

The study visa process for Denmark may vary depending on your nationality and the duration of your study course. Here are the general steps involved in obtaining a study visa for Denmark:

  • Admission to a Danish Institution: Get an admission to a recognised educational institution in Denmark. Ensure that the course meets the requirements for obtaining a study visa.
  • Financial Requirements: Proof of sufficient funds to cover your living expenses and tuition fee during your stay in Denmark; it can include – bank statements, scholarships, or sponsorship letters.
  • Health Insurance: Obtain comprehensive health insurance that covers your entire stay in Denmark. Insurance can be through a private insurance provider or by enrolling in the Danish public health insurance system (if eligible).
  • Application Submission: Submit your study visa application to nearest Danish embassy or consulate in your home country. Include the required documents, such as a completed application form, proof of admission, financial documentation, health insurance, and a valid passport.
  • Residence Permit: If your study program in Denmark is longer than three months, you require to apply for a residence permit once you arrive in Denmark; this is done at the International Citizen Service or the local police station.
  • Biometrics and Interviews: You may be required to provide biometric data, such as fingerprints and a photograph, as part of the application process. Additionally, an interview may be conducted to assess your intentions and eligibility.
  • Visa Approval and Travel: If your application is approved, you will receive a study visa or a residence permit allowing you to study in Denmark. Make necessary travel arrangements and ensure you have all the required documents for entry into Denmark.

It is important to start the visa application process well in advance, as it can take several weeks or even months to complete. It is recommended to check the specific requirements and procedures on the official website of the Danish immigration authorities or consult with the nearest Danish embassy or consulate in your country.

The Danish parliament has recently implemented changes to the immigration system aimed at attracting and retaining international talent. One significant change is the extension of post-study work rights for non-EU international students.
Regarding updates to the study programs, international students from non-EU countries who complete a professional bachelor, bachelor, master, or PhD program in Denmark will now receive a three-year job-seeking period. During this time, they will have the right to work for three years after finishing their studies. These new regulations will be effective from 1 April 2023, and applications under the revised schemes will be accepted starting from that date.

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